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Comment on Richard Hamill's post: I have found that by using various hands-on labs that closely match real life experiences of analyzing , troubleshooting and applying various solutions most of the learning styles are involved there by appealing to the various brain applications.

Comment on Richard Hamill's post: In dealing adult learner working on technical knowledge and skills development new material must be relatable to past experiences and backed with the Brain On- Hands On learning process.

Comment on Richard Hamill's post: I had several I get it moments. As I looked at the various age groups and what would be happening in most peoples lives I can say I have traveled through those groups and changes. Makes sense why interest is lost in the past tasks and what to expect in the upcoming age brackets.

Comment on Yvette Prior's post: I totally agree. Brain On - Hands On. We are seeing a return to the trade skills which is best taught by introducing the core knowledge of the subject then is reinforced by the hands-on labs and exercises. 

Comment on Leny Ramos's post: I have found that adult learners want to learn specific information that relates to their interests, needs or previous life experiences.

Motivation is a driver yes but it is up to the instructor to read their students and know how to drive them as a group to one goal. While doing so can see who is who in the process and be able to motivate each student.

The ability to put forth the learned process of EI will bring success to not only you but also your students. It is not the process of controlling your emotion but being aware of your surroundings and body language of the individuals you are speaking to. As an instructor I myself listen, process what is being spoken, and be able to give a response that will effectively help my students understand with emotion the important of there question with the correct answer.

understand your students and adapt

Be aware of many teaching styles to accommodate different learning styles. 

Adult learners are motivated by internal not external factors, typically leaning is to be applied immediately.

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